At, we take pride in offering worldwide shipping.

Our top priority at is to ensure swift delivery to our valued customers. To achieve this, we follow a Make-to-Order or Pre-Sale approach, using fresh materials to craft your desired items instead of keeping them in excessive stock. We do maintain select popular and highly demanded designs in our warehouses located in the United Kingdom, United States, Australia, and Pakistan. However, the majority of our items are produced upon customer orders placed online.

Rest assured, this process doesn’t impact the delivery time significantly. Our ready-made patterns allow for a quick fabrication process, usually taking 4-5 working days for a jacket to be prepared unless a custom order is placed by the buyer. We are committed to providing you with your favorite leather jackets in a timely manner.

Please note that for, if the required size is not available in our UK stock, it will be shipped from our overseas factory.

Delivery Cycle:

When you order from Clara Leather Jackets, please note that the delivery and shipping process usually takes around 15 working days under normal circumstances. Once you’ve placed your order, we promptly initiate processing within 3-5 working days. After that, your order will be shipped out and typically arrives within 8-10 working days.

Rest assured, we prioritize efficient delivery and use reliable express courier services, including DHL, FedEx, and SkyNet. For items readily available in our warehouses in the UK or USA, we may occasionally opt for trusted postal services like RoyalMail in the UK and USPS in the USA.

Delivery Costs:

We provide free shipping within the United Kingdom. However, for certain countries in Africa, Eastern Europe, and Russia, a nominal shipping cost is applied due to the higher postage expenses in those regions.

Import Duties & Taxes:

At, we would like to inform our buyers that we are not accountable for any taxes or import duties that may arise during the purchase process. The price paid for the item to us does not include these additional charges. We kindly advise buyers to verify with their domestic customs authorities to determine if any taxes or duties will be applied when purchasing or importing our items.

Customs policies may vary significantly across different countries, with some nations strictly enforcing taxes on the importation of high-value items. Therefore, we encourage our customers to be aware of their country’s specific regulations in this regard.